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1001 Comedian Nights

Failing to Succeed

In my favorite scene from the movie Little Miss Sunshine, Steve Carell’s character is telling Paul Dano’s character a story about Marcel Proust where he says Proust, “gets down to the end of his life, and he looks back and decides that all those years he suffered, Those were the best years of his life, ’cause they […]

Ebb and Flow

Well hello there! It’s been a while since I’ve posted to the blog, but that’s because I’ve been a busy boy performing. And admittedly also a lazy boy, but I felt entitled to lie low for a bit as a reward for all my hard work. Then I lied around a little longer until things got a […]

Feels Like The First Time

My first time doing stand-up was a great experience. Terrible…but great, as Harry Potter’s Mr. Ollivander would say. Nothing about it was particularly good, especially my set, but it taught me a great many things about what I should come to expect from the Chicago comedy scene. The most important thing being that I had a much […]

Great(ly Adjusted) Expectations

A big part of stand-up when you’re first starting out is learning to temper your expectations and your ego. Tempering your ego isn’t exactly hard since it’s entirely likely you’ll do nothing but bomb for months when you first start getting up at mics. This is a very humbling experience, or at least it was […]

What’s in a Name?

How does anyone decide what to name their blog? I must have come up with a hundred different names and dismissed fifty of them instantly, then spent a week talking myself in and out of the other fifty. I finally landed on 1001 Comedian Nights, and after giving it a good swirl in my mouth, I decided […]